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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  July 17, 2010 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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currency. in paris, workers recreate a beach on the banked or the seine river and dogs dressed as a wedding couple during a pet show. pictures are worth a thousand words. i'm wolf blitzer. join us weekdays in "the situation room" from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. eastern and every saturday at 6:00 p.m. eastern and at this time every weekend on cnn international. the news continues next on cnn. this hour on cnn the crisis of violence on the u.s./mexico border reaching a tipping point. car bombs are becoming the weapon of choice. another u.s. governor sent the national guard. it wasn't the way their week as summer camp was supposed to end. what happened on this busy kansas interstate sending dozens of children flying through a bus and holding on for dear life. she have got pregnant in high school and her mom became a political star.
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posed nude. now they're back together. "us weekly" broke the story and we'll hear from an editor tonight. it is day 89 of the gulf oil disaster and day two of zero oil gushing into the gulf. bp's integrity test of its new cap is now passed the 48-hour mark and will go on a while longer. david mattingly joins us from new orleans. david, why the extension of this testing period? >> reporter: well, that's just another evidence of all the caution that we're seeing throughout this entire process. 48 hours have gone by. there was no sign of any oil leaking as the pressure slowly continues to build up inside that well. everything acting just as they wanted to see. but the admiral now ordering 24 hours more of some testing, just to make sure that everything is going the way it appears to be. again, that's just showing the abundance of caution they continue to use throughout the
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process. after that 24-hour period and when these tests are finally over, the admiral says that they're going to open this well back up to connect it back up and send that oil back up to the surface to ships up there to collect the oil. instead of keeping this cap on and keeping that well closed on. they're going to keep it back into production and send the ill back up to the surface to be collected by ships. this new cap, however, will give them that option to close this well temporarily in case a hurricane comes in and no ships have to disconnect. >> talk to us about the permanent fix. the relief wells, david. >> reporter: the relief wells are going very well at this point. they are precisely where they need to be. that one well that's so close right now is in the final stages. that's just feet to go now. and what they're looking at is having that well intersect this old well, mobipossibly by the ef this month and once they do that it will be a matter of days or weeks for them to fill in the
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cement, create the plug they need to end the threat of this weller for good. >> i understand there's news when it comes to the a well, the ship that's supposed to siphon and separate the oil from water. what's the news here? >> reporter: the a wheel got a lot of attention when it moved into the gulf. this was a huge ship that was sort of converted into a skimmer. it was an innovative idea but the coast guard decided this ship is just not going to work. it's way too big. the pieces of oil they're out there trying to collect, some of them are sizes of a table, maybe 10 feet by 10 feet and a massive vessel was not effective in being able to maneuver around to capture the oil that's out there. they feel like they couldn't use that in the amounts of oil that it was to capture turg the tests, as one coast guard officer dribed it, was nil. >> dave h david, thank you, sir. the midwest.
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a frightening scene on a highway. this bus with children returning home from count overturned. 27 kids were in the bus. nine of them were taken to a hospital for treatment including one had to be taken by helicopter. no word on what caused the accident and no other vehicles were involved in that accident. dramatic new video from puerto rico to show you a tornado in the town of mmayaguez. look at this thing. the birs of high winds to haveled a large scaffold type of structure, narrowly missing cars and people. three people were hurt and they were sent to the hospital. much of the area is left without electricity. amazing picture there is. some unfinished business from the president shall election to report tonight and a six digit fine for vice president joe biden's campaign. a $219,000 fine on biden's
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campaign for accepting donations larger than a certain amount and issuing checks that were never checked. they say this is commonplace after presidential campaign audits. >> the t.e.a. party movement dre's anger. this week the naacp passed a resolution calling on the movement to denounce racism in its ranks. mark williams, spokesperson for the t.e.a. party express responded with a letter mocking the naacp which many found offensive. al sharpton said they shouldn't let that provoke them. coming up, i'll read the entire letter written by the t.e.a. party express spokesman. he wrote it as if he was the naacp chairman writing to president abe lincoln. activist blogger and radio host, warren balentien will weigh in on this. he was at the convention. violence on border towns escalates.
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why this could mean things will only get worse. we want you to be part of this program and be part of the conversation. send your message to us on twitter or facebook or check out my blog and look for us on foursquare. ♪ [ deb ] people don't just come to ge capital for money. they come to us for help. at ge capital, we've been financing taylor guitars for over eight years, helping them build a strong dealer network. bringing music to people... i like that. ♪ ♪ [ bob ] i didn't know you could play. i didn't either. ♪
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[ host ] it's the fusion proglide challenge. whoo! what's up? not too much. how's your shave? you can feel it pulling... the -- the stubble. see how shaving can cause irritating tug and pull? [ male announcer ] that's why gillette's introducing the revolutionary new fusion proglide. wow... it's like it's gliding down, you know. [ male announcer ] now, fusion proglide has been engineered with gillette's thinnest blades ever so it glides for less tug and pull. you takin' the glide back? no man, this is mine, you got to get your own. [ male announcer ] turns shaving into gliding. and skeptics into believers. new fusion proglide.
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let's talk a little politics now. the hot words between the naacp and the t.e.a. party movement. a mocking letter by t.e.a. party express spokesman puts rhetoric into the red zone. i'll read a large portion in a moment. here's what prompted him. speaking this week to the naacp convention in kansas city. >> spell the bigots and railsist in your ranks or take full
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responsibility for automatll of actions. we'll no longer allow you to hide like cowards that behind signs that says "lynch or president or anyone else." >> that speech and the civil rights group passing a resolution calling on the pae party movement. that didn't sit well with mark williams. he called the naacp the entire group racist and posted a letter on his website, penning a later to abe lincoln ahead of the naac. -- we colored have taken a vote and decided we don't cotton to that whole emancipation thing. freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselveses and take konls consequences along with the rewards and that's far too much to ask of us colored people and we demand that it stop. then he talks about the bailouts. the t.e.a. party position tend to the bailouts, for example, is silly. bailouts are just big money welfare and isn't that what we
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all colored to strive for? what kind of racist would want to end big money welfare? he goes on to say, what kind of massa, whatever, not want took control my life. as colored we have to have somebody care for us otherwise we'd be on our own, have to think for ourselveses and make decision. he writes about lowering taxes. perhaps the most racist of all is their demand the government stop raising taxes. that's outrageous. how will colored ever get a wine screen tv in every room if noncolors keep what they earn. sincere hi, this is how he signs it, precious, head colored person. warren balentien is an attorney and activist and a blogger for the huffing on the and he was at the naacp convention. what do you make of the letter? >> i think the letter actually shows what ben was talking about. he's showing that the tea party has this racial undertone.
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when you see a letter like this you have to shake your head because, one, when you look at the historical aspect of this, if he wanted to be sarcastic by signing it, the nephew of uncle tom. he would have signed qit different. i can say for myself and from millions of other people that i may talk to or know, most americans do not want their taxes raised. most americans didn't want the bail jut. it didn't go to the here african-americans or poor hispanics or poor white people. it didn't go to us. for him to take this position is exactly what the naacp said. repudiate the hate. we can all work together to make it better. it doesn't matter if the president is black, why or whoever and ben said, look, we don't want science talking about lynching anybody because you know what, don, like i told you
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before and i'll tell anybody this, we may have come here on different ships but right now we're all in the same boat and we got to love each other. all this hatred and all this negativity towards each other because of race is only theiring this country apart and when you see the t.e.a. party doing that with a letter like this, august you can do is say, well said, you proved your point." >> it seems like we're regressing. it seems like we're regressing when it comes to race. everyone thought by the election of an african-american president we'd be more opened about race and talk about race and resolve some issues but it seems to be placing a divide and an even bigger divide. here's my question. you were answering as an activist and attorney. as a radio host you hear america every day. what are people saying out there? >> you know, my listeners are of the belief that the t.e.a. party is racist because of the -- >> the entire t.e.a. party? >> not the entire t.e.a. party
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but there are racial undertones. in fact one of the things i did was give the history of the t.e.a. party and how it come to be and how it was virtually unknown until another network picked it up and started to make an issue of it and then you see infractions like the kkk, you had david duke endorse it. and then different things come out that literally, they're coming out because the president is black. not because of governmental policies. furpt to be honest about the governmental policies, bush put more programs place in this country than any president, including t.a.r.p. if this was the argument you should have been making that argument then. as far as the taxation argument, as far as i've seen and studied, americans have not been taxed since this president has been been in office, yet that's the argument they're making. when you look at the body of this letter. look at what was put into this letter, this man had no historical facts in it. he had no idea of what black americans have been doing in this country. he didn't even know what
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happened to the stimulus money to say we got the stimulus money and we don't want to work and we want big zash screen tvs he has no connection to what's going on in america. >> you can't say the majority of people out there. a lot of people are out there and angry about the economy and upset about big government and they have every right to protest. so i don't know if everyone out there is misinformed or either racist. >> don, i'm not saying they are racist. what i told my listeners is i applaud the t.e.a. party movement for coming out and take i a stanls against government. i'm not saying everyone is racist or misinformed. but i say this as an african-american that grew up poor in chicago. part of the reason this is so wild in america is because america is not america i grew up in. in america, you could get a job if you were uneducated and advancements. now, that's not the case and you have middle class america being affected. ie., the white part of america and they don't know how to deal with it. african-americans have been dealing with it since we've come
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to this country. so we have a different perspective on it with you again, i'll say this, we have to come to the table and talk about the solution of us all working together and not the problems because the problem itself shouldn't be race. the problem itself should be about what the government is doing or not doing and i think anybody from ben and the naacp to the the t.e.a. party movement will tell you if the government is wrong we need to speak up and say something about it. i applaud anybody that does that. i do it every day. >> that letter has been taken down off the website so thank you, warren. and i want to tell our audience that the t.e.a. party express votes with mark williams h join me live tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. a moment the british government says should never have happened. t lockerbie bomber. one of the pan am victims said oil giant bp played a role in
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the release. smashed cars, ripped debris and cameras were rolling. bonnie snider has the details and the forecast. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 no more $2, $3 fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 no more paying to access your own money. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 it'd be like every atm in the world tdd# 1-800-345-2550 was your atm. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 the schwab bank high yield investor checking(tm) account. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 zero atm fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 a great interest rate. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 no minimums. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 and it's fdic-insured. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 the schwab bank high yield investor checking(tm) account. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 the biggest thing in checking since checks.
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the british government now says it was a mistake to free the lockerbie bomber. he was the only one convicted for the 1988 bombing of pan am flight 103 over lockerbie,
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scotland. 207 people died. the uk let him return because he supposedly had terminal prostate cancer but he's still alive and now his prognosis is much better and allegations have surfaced that the oil company, bp, lobbied for his release in order to secure drilling rights in libya. they said the release had nothing to do with the oil deal. our richard quest pressed the issue with the head of libya's national oil company. >> reporter: people find it hard to believe there's no connection. mr. mcgraw he's gets released and six months later the deal is ratified. >> i'm sorry to say, no. we signed the agreement in 2007. and we started negotiation on this agreement maybe since 2004. the agreement was signed in 2007. mcgahee once released until 2009. people are saying thanks aren't
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true. >> reporter: you can imagine the victim's families were outraged over lockerbie's bomber's release. as sun is an a susan candiotti tells us, this is the ways the. for brian, his brother was one of 203 people killed. only one person convicted in the terrorist bombing was too much to bear. >> that was one of the moments where you felt 20 years of hard work had completely been worthless. it was tough. >> reporter: even tougher to bare, the growing controversy over bps role in what led to his freedom. >> when your loved one is murdered with a bomb in the middle of an air you're not going to find a lot of peace so you pursue justice. >> reporter: for flinn and other families it's bad enough the
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british government said it was a mistake to release him on compassionate grounds. doctors say he's not on his deathbed after all. he's rouled up that a juicy oil deal for embattled oil giant bp off libya's coast was the real reason mcgahee was sprung. >> business is business but when you cross the line and lobby to have convicted killers released so you can have more business, that's crossing the line. >> reporter: on friday, they told richard quest in london, there's no such deal. bp has also denied a fix was in. whether it was disgust is another question. five democratic u.s. senators want hearings to investigate. >> we now see that bp has spoken to the uk, talked about this enormous $20 billion dollar deal that might be go on with libya. >> reporter: despite denials of a quid pro quo, he wants mcgentleman he's back in his
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cell. is it realistic to think they'll send him back. the uls is not as weak as the united kingdom. and i hope prime minister cameron has the courage and conviction to say it was wrong. we can fix this. we can do something about it. we don't have to be victims again. >> reporter: while the debate shows no signs of slows down, what are the chances that mcgahee will be returned to prison? most agree, slim to none. susan candiotti, cnn, new york. all right. thanks you. bonnie schneider joins us now. we were talking yesterday about these heat warnings all the across the country, especially the dessert southwest. >> we're still dealing with heat, most of the country. i'll talk about severe weather because unusually speaking we had reports of a tornado touching down in puerto rico. the damage is devastating. the area of puerto rico where we
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saw the damage, ma kwlchlt afez, their setting up for the caribbean games. a lot of damage was in and around the stadium set for practice and games. look at the scaffolding coming down. that's how somebody was injured. reports of at least three injuries with this system in the caribbean. we're getting a lot of strong thunderstorms in the caribbean but right now we're seeing a lot of strong thunderstorms on the u.s. mainland. here's minnesota. a tornado warning in effect for areas to central and northern minnesota, a tornado watch just just for minnesota but advisories extend southward to south dakota with plenty of severe thunderstorms we're tracking intense cells that have a history of producing golfball-sized hail. you can see the rail sweeping across minneapolis. even know it's kind of subside for the city, another batch is moving in.
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we're watching the heat had viezryes across a good forgs of the country. we're seeing these advisories happen pretty much kohl's to coast across the map. what we're looking at is definitely heat building into the southwest, much of the center of the country and, of course, in the new york city area. that's where he'd advisories will persist straight through monday. currently in phoenix, arizona, it's 106 degrees. it's 110 in las vegas. because the humidity is sight thisser than normal it actually almost feels like these numbers you see. usually it feels better because it's dry heat but not the case today. >> so take it easy. thank you, bonnie. another oil-related explosion to tell you about but it has nothing to do with bp and it's massive 37 more than 2,000 firefighters had to come in. details on where this happened and what caused cloud of flames. dangerous heat in russia.
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it could get worse. it can happen anytime.
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for a 30-tablet free trial offer, -so you're thinking...? i agree. preferred. only meineke has options... and now 50% off brake pads and shoes. my money. my choice. my meineke. checking your top stories right now on cnn. in iran, tens of thousands of mourners attended the funerals outside a grand mosque. more than 270 other people were injured in the attacks on thursday. the iranian parliament speaker
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blames the u.s. saying that washington had close ties in the past with terrorist groups which claimed responsibility. look at this huge blaze today. it is in a port in china. it raged for 15 hours after a pair of oil pipelines exploded in the northeastern coastal city of dallion. no injuries to report. in russia, more than a thousand people have died during a brutal heat wave this summer. the reason had more to do with the way they're cooling off than the actual heat itself. the victims are drowning as they escape the heat in the water russian officials say many adults were drinking and many children that drowned were not being watched. an alleged drug kingpin, jose was the most wanted fugitive but the dea finally
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caught up with him in is an wan, puerto rico, and he escaped prison in that country a couple of a years ago while serving a 20 year sentence. public school students live in poverty, according to the southern education foundation. in tonight's peri's principals, steve perry spotlights a program that helps the students get to college and pay for it when they get there. >> reporter: if a child goes upward bound they're going to school year-around and on saturday and after school? >> yes. >> would you say that that improves the child's probability of being successful in. >> of course. >> what neighborhood do you live in. >> it's quiet. since katrina there's a lot of abandoned houses beeverybody is starting to come back. sometimes they go back to neighborhoods where they have to make choices not to get involved
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in any kind of activities that would -- >> that's a polite way to say it. >> what might these activities be? >> criminal activities. potentially. >> okay. if trrp no upward bound what would you be doing? >> i would be at home doing pretty much nothing, to be honest with you. i would be lost. >> children who get into the program in part because they are low-income and they're the first in their family to go to a four-year college. statistically, the children you're dealing with should not make it. what percentage of your children do you send to college? >> close to 100%. >> education contributor, steve perry with perry's principals. this is chose to his heart. when he was younger it helped him get into college. escalating violence and growing concern in mexico's drug war.
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what one expert says about this week's car bombing in juarez and why he thinks this latest round of attacks could be the tip of the iceberg. and many people getting unemployment could soon see their benefits end. of course, their life and bill also go on. important details on the battle over the safety net playing out in congress. it's the fusion proglide challenge. woow! hey man, how ya doin'? how's your shave?
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kinda like tuggin' and pullin'. see how shaving can cause irritating tug and pull? [ male announcer ] that's why gillette's introducing the revolutionary new fusion proglide. it glides... like literally. [ male announcer ] now, fusion proglide has been engineered with gillette's thinnest blades ever so it glides for less tug and pull. turns shaving into gliding. and skeptics into believers. new fusion proglide. and warm up before you shave for incredible comfort with new proseries thermal scrub. hey, it's great to see you're back after that accident. well...i couldn't have gotten by without
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aflac! is that different from health insurance? well yeah... ...aflac pays you cash to help with the bills that health insurance doesn't cover. really? well, if you're hurt and can't work, who's going to help pay for gas? ..the mortgage, all kinds of expenses? aflacccccccccc! it's the protection you need to stay ahead of the game... exactly! aflac. we've got you under our wing. aflac, aflac, aflac... aflac, aflac, aflac
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signs that mexico's drug car pell tells are stepping up their turf war along the u.s./mexico border, three straight battles erupted between gang members and soldiers in a town to the north killing 12 people there. state-run media report gangs blocked dozens of streets with trailers and trucks during those shootouts. the clashes came a day after a car bomb attack in juarez. the city's mayor says it is the first time a car bomb was used to target police. they later claim that they were behind the attack. earlier we talked to the security adviser in south
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america about the escalating violence. we're not using his full name or location f location for security reasons. >> they have enough money where they can buy the best technology. they can hire experts for any part of the world and they'll really can improve this activity. >> that juarez car bombing killed four people including two police officers and a paramedic. >> president obama is stepping up criticism of republicans for blocking jobless benefits. on three stratifications republicans have used a filibuster to extend the unemployment benefits saying they are trying to curb run-away weekly spending. today, mr. obama said the republicans are hurting mms of americans struggling to make ends meet. >> some leaders treat this as if it's a form of welfare.
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they say it diskorchs folks from looking for work. well, i've mate a lot of folks looking for work and i haven't met any american who would rather have an unemployment check than a meaningful job that lets you provide for your family. we all have friends, neighbors or family members who already know how hard it is to land a job when five workers are competing for every opening. >> a group that tracks unemployment says if the senate fails to act by the end of the month, 3 million more unemployed people will lose benefits. what happens after the benefits expire? here's kate baldwin. >> you want some milk in there? >> reporter: out of work and he says, out of options. 59-year-old joel boyd has been an electrician in washington for more than a decade. but for the past year and a half, the jobs have simply dried up. >> i've never been like this.
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in the history of my life. been out of work for this long for no reason. >> reporter: also dried up? his unemployment benefits. >> come june you are done? >> right. >> what's the past month been like, then? >> right. the past month has been a struggle. >> reporter: he lost his apartment and has to live with his daughter while here, just a few miles away, lawmakers are fighting over whether to further extend unemployment benefits for people just like boyd who have already exhausted theirs. >> what we're not willing to do is use worthwhile programs an excuse to burden our children and grandchildren with a bigger national debt than we've already got. >> i don't understand the republican's sentiment here. there used to be a bipartisan sentiment that when america faced a disaster we would pull together. >> the senate failed to extend emergency benefits before leaving for its 4th of july
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break. they opposed the extension because of the cost and concerns over the growing national debt. some economists argue there are other problems with prolonging unemployment benefits. >> the academic evidence is very clear that any time you extend and lengthen and increase unemployment benefits you lengthen, extend and increase unemployment. that may sound harsh or cold, but there are people out there who will delay getting a job until their benefits run out. >> reporter: but talk to people like joe boyd and he'll tell you, staying out of work is the last thing he want sthoos when times were really bad you turn your back? why? would you turn your back on your brother or sister if times were bad? >> reporter: boyd says he hadn't lost hope and is still searching for a job. the senate's expected to take up the issue again this week. now that democrat good win is filling the late robert byrd's
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seat they are confident this have enough votes. kate baldwin, . this cnn. and the administrator for medicare and medicaid? mr. obama named harvard medical school professor, door donald berwick. he will be able to bypass the confirmation hearings. >> as a result of the recess appointment, dr. berwick will take office through the back door without public vetting as prescribed by the constitution. this flies in the face of what was promised to be the most transparent administration in our nation's history. >> the white house has said berwick needs do get a quick start and mr. obama has accused republicans of dragging their
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feet on the nomination. development tonight in the gulf oil disaster. more testing and no joint skimmer and for now, no oil gushing out at least. watch this. >> i came home from work and there were throughers all over high room. rose petal on my bed with a box. then he got down on his knee and asked me to harry him. no hesitation at all. >> news that bristol and levi are tying the knot. "us weekly" got the exclusive scoop and in a few minutes we have the "us weekly" bureau chief live to talk about the interview. so sweet! tdd# 1-800-345-2550 it'd be like every atm in the world tdd# 1-800-345-2550 was your atm. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 the schwab bank high yield investor checking(tm) account. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 zero atm fees.
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another 24 hours and it's been under way for 48 with no oil leaking. the national incident commander says the testing period provides valuable data on how to proceed in killing the believe up. the coast guard said the giant skimmer ship, a whale won't be
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put into service because it showed it doesn't collect much oil. and ramming a car bomb into the front of a bank. no one was injured and the bank was empty at the time. no word on a motive. the bomb was made of the same materials used in fireworks. socialite paris hilton is in trouble with the law again on the island of corsica. the police detained her after she was caught with marijuana in her handbag. she was quickly released without being charged earlier this month the 29-year-old was arrested after a friend brought marijuana to a world cup match in south afric africa. after month of talking, they're engaged.
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bristol palin and levi johnston. they got together while working out a custody arrangement. we've got the west coast bureau chief of "us weekly. "melanie, thanks for joining us. was this a surprise to you? >> it was a huge surprise because we've all followed this story and seen how bitter this rift got between these two families all the things that sarah has said about levi. and now there's an happy ending which nobody was expecting. >> how kid it has been? they approached you? this was before they told mama grisly, right? >> absolutely. we found out first. it's one of those things, we found out first and i went up to anch anchorage and i asked bristol why she had told "us weekly"
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before she told her mother and she said she wanted to control her story and be able to tell everyone about her love story in her own words. and i think that's really reading between the lines. she had tried to hint to sarah that she wanted to co-parent with levi. that she was romantically involved with levey. and sarah made her thoughts on that subject very clear. so bristol, regardless, got engaged and told us first. >> you said sarah made it very clear her thoughts on the subject, meaning that sarah did not want levi in bristol's life? >> sarah has reservations over levi and his intentions towards her daughter. she worries that levi won't be the best father or husband so she made it clear she wanted levi to finish his education and get a job before he considered being a husband and father, a full-time father in tripp's
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life. but the timeframe doesn't fit in with bristol. she wants a family right now. >> he apologized saying that he said some things about the palins that i shouldn't have said that were not exactly accurate and i want to apologize in public. did he say what he said that was not accurate? did he tell you? >> it was interesting because it was very important to me that he was a little bit more exact in what he meant. what the exaggerations were. what he might not have told the truth bt, so i kept going back it to. it was something that he felt he had apologized enough. and the thing is, i knew that people were going to ask the question you just asked and he said, like, he admitted that his allegation that sarah knew he was having sex with bristol in the governor's mansion was not true. he admitted that his allegation that he had taught sarah how to shoot a gun was not true. some things he wouldn't talk about. his belief that sarah and todd
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were having marriage problems he would not talk about that and whether that was an exaggeration or not. i got as much as i could out of him on that da. >> good because many people said he didn't say -- correct things about the palins. will the media correct the record? >> and this is correcting with record because now he's saying what wasn't true. also reading, there is some rumblings. any other little palin/johnstons on the horizon between these two? >> the obvious question and the thing that kind of -- the blogs that are all speculating about is whether she's pregnant and what would be the motivation behind such a quick engagement. she insists she is not. i asked them if they were having sex because you would imagine that maybe they were. she again, says they have not. he's not been staying over and they haven't been having sex and she's not pregnant. >> that's a scoop.
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thank you very much. >> thank you. thousands of women serve in the war on terror but many never leave the base. we'll introduce to the real g.i. janes. find out what it takes for them to get the job done. at ge capital, we've been financing taylor guitars for over eight years, helping them build a strong dealer network. bringing music to people... i like that. ♪ ♪ [ bob ] i didn't know you could play. i didn't either. ♪
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more violence targeting troops in afghanistan. three soldiers died in three separate attacks including one american. yesterday another american helicopter -- excuse me, american soldier died in a blast in the southern part of the country. the latest violence comes as sols hillary clinton heads for afghanistan. she's taking part in an international conference in kabul to talk about the many problems facing the country. the u.s. military bars women from a combat unit. a congresswoman wants to change that since women are getting shot anyway. she says that the policy acts as a glass ceiling. here's our pentagon correspondent, chris lawrence. >> reporter: a california congresswoman said if women were allowed into tin fan triand other combat jobs it would open up more promotions and better prepare them from the attacks and ambushes they face in the war zone. >> they don't get enough of that teheraning. enough of that time. >> reporter: but the army said all soldiers deployed to iraq or afghanistan get some
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combat-specific training such as convoy live-fire exercising, weapons' training, combat and life saving skills. when i was in afghanistan i spoke with some women who were part of female engagement teams. they walked foot patrols outside the wire and do get additional training. >> we do this one drill where we have all our gear on, a full combat load. we do push-ups and sprint and then try to shoot so we understand what it's like to shoot under pressure. >> she says there's a reason why they don't become ceo's but sales executives do. they are directly involved in what that business does. >> with respect to our military it's to fight wars. it is combat. >> reporter: sanchez recently met with a young male officer she nominated from west point eight years ago. >> how has he gotten promoted so quickly? he's done through or four
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touring in iraq. he said to me, it's where the battle is. it's where you get promoted. it's where you get to move up. where are the bulk of the four-star generals coming from? where do the petraeus's come from? they come from the battle. >> women make up 14% of military but only 7% of the generals and admirals. an army general anne dunwoodiy is the first and only four star. on the other hand, the first female navy officer starts submarine school this fall and the army says more than 90% of its jobs are opened to window. their service is steeped in tradition and continues today in greater numbers and with greater positive influence than any time in our nation's history. >> right now the army is in the middle of a review to see who is eligible for all of its m.o.s.'s including combat specialties like armor and infantry. those results will be done by the end of year and shed a completely different light on this issue. chris lawrence, cnn, the
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pentagon. cracking opened the tomb to crack the mystery. the body of si monday bolivar are unearthed.
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gecko: ah, i still have nightmares. anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. [ car door closing ] [ male announcer ] time tot! check your air conditioning? come to meineke now and get a free ac system check. meineke. we have the coolest customers.
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we'll catch you up on some interesting items. simon bolivar has been exhumed from his tomb in venz way lo. the move was ordered by the president. the dna will be tested to determine the cause of death. conventional wisdom is he died of tuberculosis. here's a twitter? in ohio, there is a strange twist in the story of the lebron james jersey pendant. you may have heard an ohio woman claims she bought it at a yard sale several years ago for $5. only to find out recently that it's white gold studded with
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diamonds and worth almost 10 grand! >> i started really looking at it and looking at the way it was built and i'm thinking, this possibly could be real. they tested the diamonds and they told me that it was real and that i should investigate into getting it certified. that's what i did. i was excited. i can kpaeblly live on my dream. >> wow, white gold studded with diamonds. nice! police in wadsworth, ohio, say that 19-year-old robinson is expect of receiving stole been goods but robinson says after news broke of her lucky find she was liared to a house on the pretension of selling it to he brorn james. when she got there, she says a group of men took it from her claiming it was stolen from a business associate of james. police are investigating. the competing claims here. robinson insists that she is the rightful owner and will go to court to get it back


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